李洪涛 博士,男,生于1975年7月。西南大学生命科学学院教授、博士生导师;国务院政府特殊津贴获得者、“国家级人才”入选者、重庆市杰出青年科学基金获得者;现主持国家自然科学基金项目、“教育部****”项目等科研、人才项目共5项。
1. Zhu Y﹟,Li H﹟, Hu L, Wang J, Zhou Y, Pang Z, Liu L, Shao F. Structure of aShigellaEffector Reveals a Novel Class of Ubiquitin Ligases. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 2008, 15: 1302-1308. (IF:12.2)
2. Zhu Y﹟,Li H﹟, Long C﹟, Hu L, Xu H, Liu L, Chen S, Wang D, Shao F. Structure insights into the enzymatic mechanism of the pathogenic MAPK phosphothreonine lyase. Molecular Cell, 2007, 28: 899-914. (IF:14.6)
3. Zhang J , Shao F , Li Y , Cui H , Chen L,Li H, Zou Y, Long C, Lan L, Chai J, Chen S, Tang X, Zhou J. APseudomonas syringaeEffector Inactivates MAPKs to Suppress PAMP-Induced Immunity in Plants. Cell Host and Microbe, 2007; 1: 175-185. (IF:13.0)
4. Li H﹟, Xu H﹟, Zhou Y﹟, Zhang J, Long C, Li S, Chen S, Zhou J, Shao, F. The phosphothreonine lyase activity of a bacterial type III effector family. Science. 2007; 315: 1000-1003. (IF:29.7)
5. Du H,Li H, Zhang F, Lin X, Shi J, Shi Y, Ji L, Hu J, Lin D, Hu H. Acceleration of alpha-synuclein aggregation by homologous peptides. FEBS Lett. 2006;580: 3657-64.
6. Tang L,Li H, Du H, Zhang F, Hu X, Hu H. Study of the disassembly-assembly process of alpha-synuclein fibrils by in situ atomic force microscopy. Micron. 2006, 37: 675-9.
7.Li H, Lin D, Luo X, Zhang F, Ji L, Du H, Song G, Hu J, Zhou J, Hu H.Inhibition of alpha-synuclein fibrillization by dopamine analogs via reaction with the amino groups of alpha-synuclein. Implication for dopaminergic neurodegeneration. FEBS J. 2005; 272: 3661-72.
8. Du H, Tang L, Luo X,Li H, Hu J, Zhou J, Hu H. A peptide motif consisting of glycine, alanine, and valine is required for the fibrillization and cytotoxicity of human alpha-synuclein. Biochemistry. 2003; 42: 8870-8.
9.Li H, Du H, Tang L, Hu J, Hu H. Structural transformation and aggregation of human alpha-synuclein in trifluoroethanol: non-amyloid component sequence is essential and beta-sheet formation is prerequisite to aggregation. Biopolymers. 2002; 64: 221-6.
﹟equal contribution
生物化学与分子生物学实验室已具备较完善的仪器平台和实验技术平台。现有主要仪器设备包括细胞培养恒温洁净区、暗室、Kodak MXR102医用X光自动洗片机、Leica DMI3000倒置荧光显微镜、memmert INC246二氧化碳培养箱、 ESCO AC2-4S1二级生物安全柜、Wheaton Micro-stir细胞搅拌培养装置、 INFORS Multitron 低温摇床、Elix35纯水系统、Milli-Q Reference超纯水系统、Shimadzu UV-2550紫外分光光度计、GE AKTA purifier 10蛋白质纯化系统、GE AKTA prime Plus蛋白质纯化系、 NBS U570 超低温冰箱、Sanyo MPR-1410 低温层析柜、Sanyo MLS-3780高压灭菌锅、Vilber quantum 凝胶成像系统、Scotsman AF200 AS碎冰制冰机、 Eppendorf Mastercycle PCR仪、Beckman Optima MAX-XP超速冷冻离心机、Beckman Avanti J-26XP高速冷冻离心机、Beckman J6-MI大容量低速冷冻离心机、Eppendorf小型台式(高速、低速和高速冷冻)离心机、 Bio-rad DNA和蛋白电泳系统、Bio-rad半干及湿转转印系统、 Bio-rad梯度及多板灌胶系统、METTLER TOLEDO全自动天平等。