Jianping Taoworks as a full professor of Plant Ecology at Southwest University in China.His research focuses on the forest ecosystems and their stability, plant litter decomposition and nutrient cycling in different ecosystems and mechanism of vegetation degradation and restoration in Karst rocky desertification area. Currently he is working with his students and staffs in the following aspects: (1) extreme precipitation impacts biodiversity and ecosystem functioning; (2) litter decomposition and its ecological consequence on the karst ecosystem nutrient cycling; (3) vegetation degradation processes and ecological restoration of Karst ecosystems and (4) forest community dynamics and stability in subtropical areas.
主要经历 Academic and professional experience
2006/11 - 至今,西南大学,生命科学学院,教授,博士生导师(期间,2008.12-2009.12荷兰阿姆斯特丹自由大学访问学者)
2004/01 - 2006/10,西南大学,生命科学学院,副教授(期间,2004.09-2004.12在英国威尔士NEWI进修)
1997/07 - 2001/08,西南师范大学,生命科学学院,助教/讲师
1998/09 - 2001/07,东北师范大学,生态学,博士
1994/09 - 1997/07,西南师范大学,生态学,硕士
1990/09 - 1994/07,西南师范大学,生物科学,学士
主要研究兴趣 Research interests
主持项目 Researchgrants
1. 降雨极端化对喀斯特弃耕地生态系统过程和功能的影响-基于长期降雨操纵的实验研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,202501-202812,主持
4.理论、实验和实习课程于一体的生态类课程思政教学体系构建研究,重庆市高等教育教学改革研究重点项目,202209 -202408,主持
近期主要论文(2019-2024)Selected publications
Wenjing Tao, Jiang He, Nicholas G. Smith,HongjunYang,JinchunLiu, Lei Chen,JianpingTao*,WeixueLuo*. 2024. Tree growth rate-mediated trade-off between drought resistance and recovery in the Northern Hemisphere.Proceedings of the Royal Society B,https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2024.1427
YuzhenSuolang# ,WeixueLuo#,JingwenMa, Ying Zan,YulinYu, Maji Wan,JiajiaYuan,JinchunLiu,JianpingTao*. 2024. Extreme precipitation alters soil nitrogencycling related microbial community in karst abandoned farmland.Applied Soil Ecology197 (2024) 105345, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2024.105345
Peng Wang#,WeixueLuo#,QingyuZhang,ShunxinHan, ZhengJin,JinchunLiu,ZongfengLi,JianpingTao*.2024. Assessing the impact of climate change on three Populus species in China: Distribution patterns and implications.Global Ecology and Conservation50 (2024) e02853,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2024.e02853
Luo,Jie#, Luo,Weixue#, Liu,Junting., Wang,Yongjian, Li,Zongfeng,Tao,Jianping*, Liu,Jinchun*. 2024. Karst fissures mitigate the negative effects of drought on plant growth and photosynthetic physiology.Oecologia. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00442-024-055 56-5
WeixueLuo,YuxuanMa,JieLuo,ShunxinHan,ChengxiangSun,ZiyiYou,HaohanDu,ZongfengLi,JinchunLiu* andJianpingTao*2024. Understory bamboo removal impacts on woody seedling regeneration in forest ecosystems: a meta-analysis,Ecological Processes, 13:47 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13717-024-00526-4
Yuan Liu,JianpingTao *,YuejunHe,LifeiYu,LingbinYan, Yu Du,JinchunLiu. 2024. Soil depth drives community assembly and functional traits of karst shrubland.Basic and Applied Ecology80 (2024) 40–48,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.baae.2024.09.005
Luo,Weixue, Sun,Chengxiang, Yang,Shuo, Chen,Wenke, Sun,Yuhong, Li,Zongfeng, Liu,Jinchun, Tao, Wenjing,Tao,Jianping* 2024. Contrasting range changes and drivers of four forest foundation species under future climate change in China.Science of the Total Environment. 942. DOI 10.1016/j. scitotenv.2024. 173784
WeixueLuo,QingyuZhang, Peng Wang,JieLuo,ChunyanShe,XumanGuo,JiajiaYuan,YuhongSun,RumingGuo,ZongfengLi,JinchunLiu*,JianpingTao*.2024. Unveiling the impactsmosobamboo invasion on litter and soil properties: A meta-analysis.Science of the Total Environment, https://doi.org /10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168532
Luo W, Han S, Yu T, Wang P, Ma Y, Wan M, Liu J, Li Z andTao J*.2023. Assessing the suitability and dynamics of three medicinal Sambucus species in China under current and future climate scenarios.Front. Plant Sci. 14:1194444.doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1194444
She, C.; Yu, Y.; Wan,M.;Abubakar, A.A.; Luo, W.; Liu, J.;Tao,J*.2023. Forest Canopy Structures and Mother Bamboo Rhizome Internodes Impact the Appearance Quality of Bamboo Shoots.Forests.14, 2435. https://doi.org/10.3390/ f1412243527.
Yuan Liu#,XuliRen#,QixiaoZhang#,QiaoyuLi,ChunyanShe, Haiyan Song,JinchunLiu,JianpingTao*.2022.Soil depth alters the effect of species diversityon productivity in an experimental karst herbaceous community.Plant and Soil.471 (2022) 61-71,https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-021-05095-5
Liu, Y#., Qi, W#., He, D., Xiang, Y., Liu, J., Huang, H., Chen, M., &Tao, J*.(2021). Soil resource availability is much more important than soil resource heterogeneity in determining the species diversity and abundance of karst plant communities.Ecology and Evolution, 11, 16680–16692, https://doi.org/10.1002/ ece3.8285
SuhuiLi,JuntingLiu,JinmingLi,YuluDeng,JinyiChen,JiaminWang, Haiyan Song, Jing Zhang,JianpingTao,JinchunLiu*.2021. Reproductive strategies involving biomass allocation, reproductivephenologyand seed production in two Asteraceae herbs growing in karst soil varying in depth and water availability.Plant Ecology.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11258-021 -01141-5
QiaoyuLi, Yu Du. Yuan Liu, Juan Chen,XiaojingZhang,JinchunLiu,JianpingTao*. 2021. Canopy gaps improve landscape esthetic service by promoting autumn color-leaved tree species diversity and color-leaved patch properties in subalpine forests of Southwestern China.Forests12, 199. https:// doi.org/10.3390/f12020199
Wei Wang, Kai Hu,KeHuang,JianpingTao*. 2021. Mechanical fragmentation of leaf litter by fine root growth contributes greatly to the early decomposition of leaf litter.Global Ecology and Conservation.26 (2021) e01456,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2021.e01456
QiangXiao,YangXiao,YuanLiu,JianpingTao*.2020. Driving forest succession in karst areas of Chongqing municipality over the past decades.Forest Ecosystems,(2020) 7:3, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40663-020-0213-z
Yuan Liu, Juan,Chen,Xiaojing, Zhang,QiaoyuLi, Yu Du,JinchunLiu,JianpingTao*.2020.Herbaceous community species composition and productivity are affected by soil depth and funnel effect in a simulated karst experiment.Global Ecology and Conservation. 22,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01033
Tao J*,ZuoJ, He Z, Wang Y, Liu J, Liu W & Cornelissen JHC.2019.Traits including leaf dry matter content and leaf pH dominate over forest soil pH as drivers of litter decomposition among 60 species.FunctionalEcology. 33:1798-1810.doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.13413
Qian F, Song H, Chen M, Zeng J, Dang C,Tao J*.2019.Multivariate path analysis of the relationships between seedling regeneration and environmental factors beneath a dwarf bamboo understory.Ecologyand Evolution.doi: 10.1002/ece3.5548
Zhang J, Wang J, Chen J, Song H, Li S, Zhao Y,Tao Jand Liu J*. 2019. Soil Moisture Determines Horizontal and Vertical Root Extension in the Perennial GrassLolium perenneL. Growing in Karst Soil.Front. Plant Sci.10:629. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00629
王鹏, 金正, 余婷,秦康强,桑新亚,陶建平,罗唯学* 2024. 预测姜黄属植物在中国当前和未来气候情景下的潜在分布区变化.草业学报, 33(10) :14-27
曾嘉庆,陶建平*. 2022. 喀斯特生境中山麻杆种群与环境因子的关系. 西南大学学报 (自然科学版),44(9):11-19 DOI:10.13718/j.cnki.xdzk.2022.09.002
昝瑛,索朗玉珍, 马竟文, 余钰淋,陶建平,罗唯学*.2022. 降雨极端化对喀斯特草本植物功能性状的影响.西南大学学报 (自然科学版),44(9):20-31 DOI:10.13718/j.cnki.xdzk. 2022.09.003
夏虹,夏春燕,宋海燕,杜羽,陶建平*. 2022. 重庆金佛山3种喀斯特森林群落木本植物种子雨、土壤种子库与幼苗更新.林业科学.58(1):1-11
陈娟,张小晶,李巧玉,陶建平*.2022. 不同坡向川西亚高山林木竞争与叶片表型可塑性的关系研究.生态学报,42(5):1788-1797
李巧玉, 张小晶, 陈娟, 刘媛, 刘锦春,陶建平*.2021.川西亚高山彩叶林景观分布格局及其地形影响研究. 生态环境学报, 30(8): 1581-1588.
李巧玉, 陈娟, 张小晶,陶建平*. 川西亚高山彩叶林群落数量分类、排序与物种多样性. 2021, 应用与环境生物学报, 27(3): 519-528.
陈娟, 张小晶,李巧玉,陶建平*.2021 坡向对川西亚高山彩叶林群落树种种内和种间竞争的影响[J]. 西南大学学报(自然科学版), 43(2): 53-62.
夏春燕, 黄慧敏,夏虹, 宋海燕,陶建平*. 2021. 金佛山不同群落紫耳箭竹生长和繁殖权衡的形态及生物量特征. 林业科学研究,DOI:10.13275/j.cnki.lykxyj.2021.03.013
张小晶,陈娟,李巧玉,刘锦春,陶建平*.2020.基于视觉特性的川西亚高山秋季景观林色彩量化及景观美学质量评价. 应用生态学报, 31(1):45-54
陈淼,苏晓磊,黄慧敏,党成强,高婷,曾波,陶建平*. 2019.三峡库区河流生境质量评价. 生态学报, 39(1)192-201
向运蓉,张芳,张静,黄慧敏,何丹妮,刘媛,陶建平*.2019.异质性水分环境中克隆整合对活血丹生物量分配及叶片结构特征的影响. 植物研究 39( 2) :200-207
Address:School of Life sciences, Southwest University, Beibei District, ChongqingChina 400715
Email: taojp@swu.edu.cn
Tel. 0086-23-68252246