王德寿,男,1964年9月生。理学博士,教授,博士导师,重庆市有突出贡献的中青年专家,国务院政府特殊津贴获得者,国际鱼类内分泌学会理事(International Society for Fish Endocrinology Commission Member),中国鱼类学会副理事长,中国水产学会水产生物技术专业委员会委员,中国动物学会比较内分泌学分会理事,中国遗传学会动物遗传专业委员会委员,重庆市水产学学术技术带头人。淡水鱼类资源与生殖发育教育部重点实验室主任。1988年从西南师范大学获硕士学位后留校任教,1993年破格晋升为副教授。1996年从中山大学获理学博士学位后回校工作,1998年晋升为教授。1998-2007年先后在以色列巴伊兰大学、荷兰乌德勒支大学、香港中文大学和日本国立基础生物学研究所做博士后、访问学者或合作研究。
主要从事鱼类生理学、分子生物学和鱼类基因组学方面的研究工作。 先后主持包括国家重点研发计划(蓝色粮仓)课题、国家自然科学基金重点项目、中美国际合作项目、面上项目等国家和省市课题20余项。先后在PLoS Genetics、Molecular Ecology Resources、Genetics、Endocrinology等杂志发表学术论文160余篇,120余篇论文被SCI收录,h-index达到31,被SCI论文引用3500余次。任Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part B编委。多次在国际学术会议上作特邀报告或大会发言。获得发明专利5项。获重庆市自然科学一等奖(排名第二)、三等奖(排名第一) 、科技进步一等奖(排名第六)各1项。 获得重庆市高等教育教学成果二等奖(排名第五) 1项,领衔申报获准动物学重庆市市级精品课程。主讲《动物学》、《分子生物学》、《鱼类遗传育种》等课程。
1. 科技部蓝色粮仓重点研发计划课题:水产养殖动物性别决定与发育的调控机制
2. 中美(NSFC-NSF)生物多样性合作研究项目:性染色体:一个尚未被探究的生物多样性维度
3. 国家自然科学基金重点基金:Amhy决定尼罗罗非鱼性别的分子机制研究
4. 国家自然科学基金面上基金:罗非鱼体色突变体的遗传解析
5. 重庆市科技局“重庆英才计划”:鱼类性别决定与性控育种团队创新创业示范团队
主要学术论著目录 *通讯作者
1. Wu X, Zhao L, Fan Z, Lu B, Chen J, Tan D, Jiang D, Tao W*,Wang D*. 2021. Screening and characterization of sex-linked DNA markers and marker-assisted selection in blue tilapia (Oreochromis aureus). Aquaculture 530, 735934.IF: 3.22
2. Tao W, Xu L*, Zhao L, Zhu Z, Wu X, Min Q, Wang D*, Zhou Q*. 2020. High-quality chromosome-level genomes of two tilapia species reveal their evolution of repeat sequences and sex chromosomes. Mol Ecol Resour. doi: 10.1111/1755-0998.13273.IF: 6.286
3. Jie M, Ma H, Zhou L, Wu J, Li M, Liu X*,Wang D*. 2020. Regulation of Female Folliculogenesis by Tsp1a in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Aug 16;21(16):E5893. doi: 10.3390/ijms21165893.IF: 4.18
4. Sun L, Gao T, Wang F, Qin Z, Yan L, Tao W, Li M, Jin C, Ma L, Kocher TD, Wang D. 2020. Chromosome-level genome assembly of a cyprinid fishOnychostoma macrolepisby integration of nanopore sequencing, Bionano and Hi-C technology. Mol Ecol Resour. 2020 May 17. doi: 10.1111/1755-0998.13190.IF: 6.28
5. Kuang G, Tao W, Zheng S, Wang X,Wang D*.2020. Genome-Wide Identification, Evolution and Expression of the Complete Set of Cytoplasmic Ribosomal Protein Genes in Nile Tilapia. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Feb 12;21(4). pii: E1230. doi: 10.3390/ijms21041230. PMID: 32059409 IF: 4.18
6. Li M, Liu X, Dai S, Xiao H, Qi S, Li Y, Zheng Q, Jie M, Cheng CHK,Wang D*. 2020. Regulation of spermatogenesis and reproductive capacity by Igf3 in tilapia. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2020 Jan 18. doi: 10.1007/s00018-019-03439-0. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 31955242 IF: 6.49
7. Zheng Q, Xiao H, Shi H, Wang T, Sun L, Tao W, Kocher TD, Li M,Wang D*. 2020. Loss of Cyp11c1 causes delayed spermatogenesis due to the absence of 11-ketotestosterone. J Endocrinol. 2020 Mar;244(3):487-499. doi: 10.1530/JOE-19-0438. PMID: 31910154 IF: 4.3
8. Zhang SQ, Wang XS, Zhang S, Long J, Tao WJ, Li MH,Wang DS*. 2020. Screening and characterization of sex-linked DNA markers and marker-assisted selection in the Southern catfish (Silurus meridionalis). Aquaculture 517:734783IF: 3.0
9. 龙娟,郑树清,王晓双,张帅,王德寿. TGF-β信号通路在鱼类性别决定与分化中的作用.水产学报, 2020, 44(1): 166−177.
10. Tao W, Shi H, Yang J, Diakite H, Kocher TD, Wang D. 2020. Homozygous mutation of foxh1 arrests oogenesis causing infertility in female Nile tilapia. Biol Reprod. 13;102(3):758-769. doi: 10.1093/biolre/ioz225.IF: 2.9
11. Tang Y, Li X, Xiao H, Li M, Li Y, Wang D*, Wei L(魏玲)*.2019. Transcription of the Sox30 Gene Is Positively Regulated by Dmrt1 in Nile Tilapia. Int J Mol Sci. 2019. 20(21): 5487. doi: 10.3390/ijms20215487.IF: 4.18
12. Yang L, Li Y, Wu Y, Sun S, Song Q, Wei J, Sun 1, Li M, Wang D, Zhou L*. 2020. Rln3a is a prerequisite for spermatogenesis and fertility in male fish. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2020 Mar; 197:105517. doi: 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2019.105517. Epub 2019 Oct 31. PMID: 31678357.IF: 3.81
13. Liu X, Xiao H, Jie M, Dai S, Wu X, Li M*,Wang D*. 2020. Amh regulate female folliculogenesis and fertility in a dose-dependent manner through Amhr2 in Nile tilapia. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2020 Jan 1;499:110593. doi: 10.1016/j.mce.2019.110593. Epub 2019 Sep 24. PMID: 31560938 IF: 3.6
14. Cai J, Li L, Song L, Xie L, Luo F, Sun S, Chakraborty T, Zhou L*,Wang D. 2019. Effects of long term antiprogestine mifepristone (RU486) exposure on sexually dimorphic lncRNA expression and gonadal masculinization in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Aquat Toxicol 2019. 215, 105289. doi: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2019.105289. Epub 2019 Aug 28. PMID: 31491707
15. Wang XS, Zhang S, Xu Z, Zheng SQ, Long J,Wang DS*. .2019. Genome-wide identification, evolution of ATF/CREB family and their expression in Nile tilapia. Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol. 2019 Nov;237:110324. doi: 10.1016/j.cbpb.2019.110324. Epub 2019 Aug 26. PMID: 31465879
16. Yan L, Feng H, Wang F, Lu B, Liu X, Sun L*,Wang D*. 2019. Establishment of three estrogen receptors (esr1, esr2a, esr2b) knockout lines for functional study in Nile tilapia. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2019 Jul;191:105379. doi: 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2019.105379. Epub 2019 May 9. PMID: 31078694.IF: 3.81
17. Li M, Sun L,Wang D*. 2019. Roles of estrogens in fish sexual plasticity and sex differentiation. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2019 Jun 1;277:9-16. doi: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2018.11.015. Epub 2018 Nov 27. Review. PMID: 30500373IF: 2.4
18. Feng JY, Chen JX, Luo L, Lin SM, Chen YJ, Wang DS. 2019. Molecular and metabolic adaption of glucose metabolism in the red and white muscle of the omnivorous GIFT tilapia Oreochromis niloticus to a glucose load. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2019 Jun 1;277:82-89. doi: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2019.03.010. Epub 2019 Mar 19. PMID: 30902611(IF: 2.564)(已提交)
19. Zhang X, Min Q, Li M, Liu X, Li M,Wang D*. 2019. Mutation of cyp19a1b results in sterile males due to efferent duct obstruction in Nile tilapia. Mol Reprod Dev. 2019 Sep; 86(9):1224-1235. doi: 10.1002/mrd.23237. Epub 2019 Jul 24. PMID: 31339195(IF: 2.1)
20. Deng, Si-Ping; Liu, Zhi-Hao; Wang, De-Shou Mechanisms of Feminization and Sex Differentiation in Southern Catfish. Sex Control in Aquaculture, Vols I and Ii Pages: 509-524 Published: 2019
21. Feng, Jing-Yun; Liu, Qin-Qin; Xu, Hang-Zhong; et al. Postprandial change in glucose metabolism at the molecular level in the adipose tissue of omnivorous GIFT Oreochromis niloticus FISHERIES SCIENCE Volume: 85 Issue: 1 Pages: 33-41 Published: JAN 2019
22. Wei L, Li X, Li M, Tang Y, Wei J,Wang D*. 2019. Dmrt1 directly regulates the transcription of the testis-biased Sox9b gene in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Gene. 2019 Mar 1;687:109-115. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2018.11.016. Epub 2018 Nov 8.(IF: 2.196)(已提交)
23. Li M, Liu X, Dai S, Xiao H,Wang D*. 2019. High Efficiency Targeting of Non-coding Sequences Using CRISPR/Cas9 System in Tilapia. G3 (Bethesda). 2019 Jan 9;9(1):287-295. doi: 10.1534/g3.118.200883.(IF: 2.6)
24. Zhao Y, Yang Z, Wang Y, Luo Y, Da F, Tao W, Zhou L, Wang D, Wei J(魏静). Both Gfrα1a and 1b are involved in the self-renewal and maintenance of spermatogonial stem cells in medaka. Stem Cells Dev. 2018, 27 (23): 1658-1672.
25. Wang FL, Yan LX, Shi HJ, Liu XY, Zheng QY, Sun LN*,Wang DS*. Genome-wide identification, evolution of DNA methyltransferases and their expression during gonadal development in Nile tilapia. Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol. 2018 Dec;226:73-84. doi: 10.1016/j.cbpb.2018.08.007. Epub 2018 Aug 28(IF: 1.684)
26. Tao W, Chen J, Tan D, Yang J, Sun L, Wei J, Conte MA, Kocher TD,Wang D*. 2018. Transcriptome display during tilapia sex determination and differentiation as revealed by RNA-Seq analysis. BMC Genomics. 2018 May 15;19(1):363. doi: 10.1186/s12864-018-4756-0.(IF: 3. 73)
27. Shaohua Sun, Jing Cai, Wenjing Tao, Limin Wu, Chakraborty Tapas, Linyan Zhou*, Deshou Wang*. Comparative Transcriptome Profiling and Characterization of Gene Expression for Ovarian Differentiation under RU486 Treatment. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2018. 15;261:166-173.
28. Zheng S, Long J, Liu Z, Tao W,Wang D*.2018. Identification and evolution of TGF-β signaling pathway members in twenty-four animal species and expression in tilapia. Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Apr 11;19(4). pii: E1154. doi: 10.3390/ijms19041154.(IF: 3.687)
29. Wei J*, Fan Z, Yang Z, Zhou Y, Da F, Zhou L, Tao W,Wang D*. 2018. Leukemia Inhibitory Factor Is Essential for the Self-Renewal of Embryonic Stem Cells from Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Through Stat3 Signaling. Stem Cells Dev. 2018 Jan 15;27(2):123-132. doi: 10.1089/scd.2017.0207. Epub 2017 Dec 21.(IF: 3.315)
30. Wu F, Wu L, Wu Q, Zhou L, Li W,Wang D. 2018. Duplication and gene expression patterns of β-catenin in Nile tilapia. Fish Physiol Biochem. 2018 Apr;44(2):651-659. doi: 10.1007/s10695-017-0460-2. Epub 2017 Dec 30.(IF: 1.735)
31. Jing W*, Xiaohuan H, Zhenhua F, Zhuo Y, Fan D, Wenjing T, Linyan Z,Deshou W*. 2018Promoter activity and regulation of the Pou5f1 homolog from a teleost, Nile tilapia. Gene. 2018 Feb 5;642:277-283. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2017.11.036. Epub 2017 Nov 16.(IF: 2.196)
32. Sun S, Cai J, Tao W, Wu L, Tapas C,Zhou L*, Wang D*. 2018. Comparative transcriptome profiling and characterization of gene expression for ovarian differentiation under RU486 treatment. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2018 May 15;261:166-173. doi: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2018.03.005. Epub 2018 Mar 3.(IF: 2.564)
33. Fang X, Wu L, Yang L, Song L, Cai J, Luo F, Wei J,Zhou L*, Wang D*. 2018 Nuclear progestin receptor (Pgr) knockouts resulted in subfertility in male tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2018 Sep;182:62-71. doi: 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2018.04.011. Epub 2018 Apr 27.(IF: 4.095)
34. Chen YJ, Wang XY, Pi RR, Feng JY, Luo L, Lin SM,Wang, DS*. 2018. Preproinsulin expression, insulin release, and hepatic glucose metabolism after a glucose load in the omnivorous GIFT tilapiaOreochromis niloticus. Aquaculture 482:183-192. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2017.10.00.(IF: 2.570)
35. Wu TL, Cheng YY, Liu ZL, Tao WJ, Zheng SQ,Wang DS*. 2018. Bioinformatic analyses of zona pellucida genes in vertebrates and their expression in Nile tilapia. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. 44(2): 435-449.(IF: 1.735)
36. Chen J, Fan Z, Tan D, Jiang D,Wang D*. 2018.A review of genetic advances related to sex control and manipulation in tilapia. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 49(2): 277-291. doi: 10.1111/jwas.12479.(IF: 1.338)
37. Chen YJ*, Zhang TY, Chen HY, Lin SM, Luo L,Wang DS. 2017. An evaluation of hepatic glucose metabolism at the transcription level for the omnivorous GIFT tilapia,Oreochromis niloticusduring postprandial nutritional status transition from anabolism to catabolism. Aquaculture. 473:375-382. Published: APR 20 2017.(IF: 2.570)
38. Chen YJ*, Zhang TY, Chen HY, Lin SM, Luo L,Wang DS. 2017. Simultaneous stimulation of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis by feeding in the anterior intestine of the omnivorous GIFT tilapia,Oreochromis niloticus. Biology Open. 6 (6): 818-824. DOI: 10.1242/bio.024836. Published: JUN 15 2017.(IF: 2.095)
39. Zhang XB, Li MR, Ma H, Liu XY, Shi HJ, Li MH,Wang DS*. 2017. Mutation of foxl2 or cyp19a1a results in female to male sex reversal in XX Nile tilapia. Endocrinology. 158(8):2634-2647. doi: 10.1210/en.2017-00127.(IF: 4.286)
40. Li M andWang D*. 2017. Gene editing nuclease and its application in tilapia. Science Bulletin. 62 (2017) 165–173.(IF: 1.649)
41. Jiang D, Chen J, Fan Z, Tan D, Zhao J, Shi H, Liu Z, Tao W, Li M,Wang D* 2017. CRISPR/Cas9-induced disruption of wt1a and wt1b reveals their different roles in kidney and gonad development in Nile tilapia. Dev Biol. Aug 1;428(1):63-73. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2017.05.017.(IF: 2.944)
42. Wei J, Liu L, Fan Z, Hong Y, Zhao Y, Zhou L,Wang D*. 2017. Identification, Prokaryote Expression of Medaka gdnfa/b and Their Biological Activity in a Spermatogonial Cell Line.Stem Cells Dev. 26(3):197-205.(IF: 3.777)
43. Fan Z, Liu L, Huang X, Zhao Y, Zhou L,Wang D*, Wei J. 2017. Establishment and growth responses of Nile tilapia embryonic stem-like cell lines under feeder-free condition. Dev Growth Differ. 59(2):83-93.(IF: 2.412)
44. Shi H, Gao T, Liu Z, Sun L, Jiang X, Chen L,Wang D*. 2017. Blockage of androgen and administration of estrogen induce transdifferentiation of testis into ovary. J Endocrinol. 233(1):65-80.(IF: 4.498)
45. Chen J, Jiang D, Tan D, Fan Z, Wei Y, Li M,Wang D*. 2017. Heterozygous mutation of eEF1A1b resulted in spermatogenesis arrest and infertility in male tilapia,Oreochromis niloticus. Sci Rep. 7:43733.(IF: 5.228)
46. Liu XY, Zhang XB, Li MH, Zheng SQ, Liu ZL, Cheng YY,Wang DS*. 2017. Genome-wide identification, evolution of chromobox family genes and their expression in Nile tilapia. Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol. 203:25-34.(IF: 1.651)
47. Huang X, Zhao Y, Liu L, Fan Z, Zhou L, Wang Z, Wei L,Wang D, Wei J*. 2016. Characterization of the POU5F1 homologue in Nile tilapia: from expression pattern to biological activity. Stem Cells Dev. 25(18):1386-1395.(IF: 3.777)
48. Tao W, Sun L, Chen J, Shi H,Wang D*. 2016. Genomic identification, rapid evolution, and expression of Argonaute genes in the tilapia,Oreochromis niloticus. Dev Genes Evol. 226(5):339-348(IF: 2.508)
49. Wu L, Yang P, Luo F1Wang D, Zhou L*. 2016. R-spondin1 signaling pathway is required for both the ovarian and testicular development in a teleost, Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Gen Comp Endocrinol. 230-231:177-185.(IF: 2.47)
50. Xie QP, He X, Sui YN, Chen LL, Sun LN,Wang DS*. 2016. Haploinsufficiency of Sf-1 causes fem ale to male sex reversal in Nile tilapia,Oreochromis niloticus. Endocrinology. 157(6):2500-2514. doi: 10.1210/en.2015-2049. Epub 2016 Apr 5..(IF: 4.503)
51. Tao W, Sun L, Shi H, Cheng Y, Jiang D, Fu B, Conte MA, Gammerdinger WJ, Kocher TD,Wang D*. 2016. Integrated analysis of miRNA and mRNA expression profiles in tilapia gonads at an early stage of sex differentiation. BMC Genomics. 17(1):328. doi: 10.1186/s12864-016-2636-z.(IF: 3.867)
52. Jiang DN, Yang HH, Li MH, Shi HJ, Zhang XB,Wang DS*. 2016.gsdfis a downstream gene of dmrt1 that functions in the male sex determination pathway of the Nile tilapia. Mol Reprod Dev. 83(6):497-508. doi: 10.1002/mrd.22642. Epub 2016 May 1.(IF: 2.527)
53. Wu L, Wu F, Xie L,Wang D*, Zhou L*. 2016. Synergistic role of β-catenin1 and 2 in ovarian differentiation and maintenance of female pathway in Nile tilapia. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 427:33-44. doi: 10.1016/j.mce.2016.03.002(IF: 3.859)
54. Zhou L, Luo F, Fang X, Charkraborty T, Wu L, Wei J,Wang D*. 2016. Blockage of progestin physiology disrupts ovarian differentiation in XX Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 473(1):29-34.(IF: 2.297)
55. Chen L, Jiang X, Feng H, Shi H, Sun L, Tao W, Xie Q,Wang D*. 2016. Simultaneous exposure to estrogen and androgen resulted in feminization and endocrine disruption. J Endocrinol. 228(3):205-218.(IF: 4.498)
56. Wei L, Yang C, Tao W,Wang D*. 2016. Genome-wide identification and transcriptome-based expression profiling of the sox gene family in the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Int J Mol Sci. 17(3):270. pii: E270. doi: 10.3390/ijms17030270.(IF: 2.862)
57. Li M, Feng R, Ma H, Dong R, Liu Z, Jiang W, Tao W,Wang D*. 2016. Retinoic acid triggers meiosis initiation via stra8-dependent pathway in Southern catfish,Silurus meridionalis. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 232:191-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2016.01.003. Epub 2016 Jan 4.(IF: 2.47)
58. Li MH, Sun YL, Zhao JE, Shi HJ, Zeng S, Ye K, Jiang DN, Zhou LY, Sun LN, Tao WJ, Nagahama Y, Kocher TD,Wang DS*. 2015. A tandem duplicate of anti-Müllerian hormone with a missense SNP on the Y chromosome is essential for male sex determination in Nile tilapia,Oreochromis niloticus. PLoS Genetics. 11(11): e1005678. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005678.(IF: 6.661)
59. Feng R, Fang L, Cheng Y, He X, Jiang W, Dong R, Shi H, Jiang D, Sun L,Wang D*.2015. Retinoic acid homeostasis through aldh1a2 and cyp26a1 mediates meiotic entry in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Sci Rep. 15;5:10131. doi: 10.1038/srep10131.(IF: 5.578)
60. Qiu Y, Sun S, Charkraborty T, Wu L, Sun L, Wei J, Nagahama Y,Wang D*,Zhou L*. 2015. Figla Favors Ovarian Differentiation by Antagonizing Spermatogenesis in a Teleosts, Nile Tilapia(Oreochromis niloticus). PLoS One. 10(4):e0123900.(IF: 3.234)
61. Jia C, Zhou Y, Huang X, Peng X, Liu L, Zhou L, Jin L, Shi H, Wei J*,Wang D. 2015. The cellular protein expression of Foxp3 in lymphoid and non-lymphoid organs of Nile tilapia. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 45(2):300-306.(IF: 2.674)
62. Cheng YY, Tao WJ, Chen JL, Sun LN, Zhou LY, Song Q,Wang DS*. 2015 Genome-wide identification, evolution and expression analysis of nuclear receptor superfamily in Nile tilapia,Oreochromis niloticus. Gene. 569(1):141-152.(IF: 2.138)
63. Senthilkumaran B, Sreenivasulu G,Wang DS, Sudhakumari CC, Kobayashi T, Nagahama Y. 2015. Expression Patterns of CREBs in Oocyte Growth and Maturation of Fish. PLoS One. 10(12):e0145182. doi: 10.1371/ journal.pone.0145182. eCollection 2015.(IF: 3.234)
64. Zhang X, Wang H, Li M, Cheng Y, Jiang D, Sun L, Tao W, Zhou L, Wang Z, andWang D*. 2014. Isolation ofDoublesex- and Mab-3-Related Transcription Factor 6and Its Involvement in Spermatogenesis in Tilapia. Biol Reprod. 91(6):136-145.(IF: 3.318)
65. Dong RR, Yang SJ, Feng RJ, Fang LL, Sun YL, Zhang YG, Xie XJ,Wang DS*. 2014. Complete feminization of catfish by feeding Limnodilus, an annelid worm collected in contaminated streams. Environmental Research. 133:371-379.(IF: 4.373)
66. Yu X, Wu L, Xie L, Yang S, Charkraborty T, Shi H, Wang D, Zhou L. 2014. Characterization of two paralogous StAR genes in a teleost, Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Mol Cell Endocrinol. 392:152-162.(IF: 4.405)
67. Liu G, Luo F, Song Q, Wu L, Qiu Y, Shi H,Wang D*,Zhou L*. 2014. Blocking of progestin action disrupts spermatogenesis in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). J Mol Endocrinol. 53:57-70.(IF: 3.081)
68. Wei J, Qi W, Zhou Y, Zhang X, Dong R, Zhou L,Wang D*. 2014. Establishment and characterization of an ovarian cell line from Southern catfish (Silurus meridionalis). Fish Physiol Biochem. 40:1383-1391.(IF:1.622).
69. Li J, Wu P, Liu Y,Wang D, Cheng CH. 2014. Temporal and spatial expression of the four Igf ligands and two Igf type 1 receptors in zebrafish during early embryonic development. Gene Expr Patterns. 15:104-111.(IF:1.380).
70. Sun YL, Jiang DN, Zeng S, Hu CJ, Ye K, Yang C, Yang SJ, Li MH,Wang DS*. 2014. Screening and characterization of sex-linked DNA markers and markerassisted selection in the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), Aquaculture, 433:19-27.(IF:1.878)
71. Li M, Yang H, Zhao J, Fang L, Shi H, Li M, Sun Y, Zhang X, Jiang D,Wang D*. 2014. Efficient and heritable gene targeting in tilapia by CRISPR/Cas9. Genetics. 197:591-599.(IF:5.963).
72. Sun LN, Jiang XL, Xie QP, Yuan J, Huang BF, Tao WJ, Zhou LY, Nagahama Y,Wang DS*. 2014.Transdifferentiation of differentiated ovary into functional testis by long term treatment of aromatase inhibitor in Nile tilapia. Endocrinology. 155:1476-1488.(IF:4.503).
73. Yuan J, Tao W, Cheng Y, Huang B,Wang D*. 2014. Genome-wide identification, phylogeny, and gonadal expression of fox genes in Nile tilapia,Oreochromis niloticus. Fish Physiol Biochem. 40:1239-1252.(IF:1.622).
74. Li MH, Yang HH, Li MR, Sun YL, Jiang XL, Xie QP, Wang TR, Shi HJ, Sun LN, Zhou LY,Wang DS*. 2013. Antagonistic roles of Dmrt1 and Foxl2 in sex differentiation via estrogen production in tilapia as demonstrated by TALENs. Endocrinology. 154(12):4814-25.(IF:4.717).
75. Wei J, Yu L, Sun L, Zhang X, Li M, Qi W, Zhou L,Wang D*. 2013. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of Foxp3 from Nile tilapia. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 155:48-56.(IF:1.88).
76. Dong R, Yang S, Jiao J, Wang T, Shi H, Zhou L, Zhang Y,Wang D*. 2013.Characterization of Stra8 in Southern catfish (Silurus meridionalis): evidence for its role in meiotic initiation. BMC Mol Biol. 22;14:11. doi: 10.1186/1471-2199-14-11.(IF: 2.80)
77. Tao W, Yuan J, Zhou L, Sun L, Sun Y, Yang S, Li M, Zeng S, Huang B,Wang D*2013. Characterization of gonadal transcriptomes from Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) reveals differentially expressed genes. PLoS One. 8: e63604(IF:4.09).
78. Zhou L, Charkraborty T, Yu X, Wu L, Liu G, Mohapatra S,Wang D*, Nagahama Y*. R-spondins are involved in the ovarian differentiation in a teleost, medaka (Oryzias latipes). BMC developmental Biology, 2012, 12:36(doi:10.1186/1471-213X-12-36).(IF:2.73).
79. Li M, Wu F, Gu Y, Wang T, Wang H, Yang S, Sun Y, Zhou L, Huang X, Jiao B, Cheng CH,Wang D*. 2012.Insulin-Like Growth Factor 3 Regulates Expression of Genes Encoding Steroidogenic Enzymes and Key Transcription Factors in the Nile Tilapia Gonad.Biol Reprod. 86:1-10.(IF:4.08)
80. Sun YL, Zeng S, Kai Ye K, Chao Yang C, Li MH, Huang BF, LiNa Sun LN, Zhou LY,Wang DS*.2012. Involvement ofFGF9/16/20subfamily in female germ cell development of the Nile tilapia,Oreochromis niloticus. Fish Physiol Biochem. 38:1427-1439.(IF:1.60)
81. Huang BF, Sun YL, Wu FR, Liu ZH, Wang ZJ, Luo LF, Zhang YG,Wang DS*. 2011. Isolation, sequence analysis, and characterization of androgen receptor in Southern catfish,Silurus meridionalis. Fish Physiol Biochem. 37:593-601.(IF:1.60)
82. Li JZ, Liu ZH,Wang DS, Cheng CHK. 2011. Insulin-like growth factor 3 is involved in oocyte maturation in zebrafish. Biology of Reproduction. 84:476-486.(IF:3.87)
83. Han F, Wang ZJ, Wu FR,Liu ZH,Huang BF,Wang DS*. 2010. Characterization, phylogeny, alternative splicing and expression of Sox30 gene. BMC Molecular Biology. 11: 98.(IF:3.18)
84. Liu ZH, Zhang YG,Wang DS*. 2010 Studies on feminization, sex determination and differentiation of Southern catfish,Silurus meridionalis. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. 36:223-235.(IF:1.60)
85. Sudhakumari CC, Senthilkumaran B, Raghuveer K,Wang DS, Kobayashi T, Kagawa H, Krishnaiah Ch, Dutta-Gupta A, Nagahama Y. 2010. Dimorphic expression of tryptophan hydroxylase in the brain of XX and XY Nile tilapia during early development. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 166:320-329.
86.Wang DS*, Zhou LY, Kobayashi T, Matsuda M, Shibata Y, Sakai F and Nagahama Y. 2010.Doublesex- and Mab-3-Related Transcription Factor-1 repression of aromatase transcription, a possible mechanism favoring the male pathway in tilapia. Endocrinology. 151:1331-1340(IF:4.99)
87. Zhang WL, Zhou LY, Senthilkumaran B, Huang BF, Sudhakumari C.C, Kobayashi T, Nagahama Y,Wang DS*. 2010. Molecular cloning of two isoforms of 11β-hydroxylase and their expressions in the Nile tilapia,Oreochromis niloticus.General and Comparative Endocrinology.165:34–41.(IF:3.10)
88. Wu FR, Zhou LY, Nagahama Y,Wang DS*. 2009. Duplication and distinct expression patterns of two thrombospondin-1 isoforms in teleost fishes. Gene Expression Patterns.9:436–443(IF:2.2)
89. Senthilkumaran B, Sudhakumari CC,Wang DS, Sreenivasulu G, Kobayashi T, Kobayashi HK, Yoshikuni M, Nagahama Y.2009. Novel 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases from gonads of the Nile tilapia: Phylogenetic significance and expression during reproductive cycle.Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology.299 : 146–152(IF:3.0)
90. Wu FR, Zhang XY, Zhang WL, Huang BF, Liu ZH, Hu CJ,Wang DS*.2009. Expression of three gonadotropin subunits in Southern catfish gonad and their possible roles during early gonadal development. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology part A. 153:44-48.(IF:1.8)
91. de Waal P,Wang D, Nijenhuis W, Schulz R, Bogerd J. 2008 Functional characterization and expression analysis of the androgen receptor in zebrafish (Danio rerio) testis. Reproduction. 136: 225–234.(IF:3.0)
92.Wang DS*, Jiao B, Hu C, Huang X, Liu Z, Cheng CH. 2008 Discovery of a gonad-specific IGF subtype in teleost. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 367:336-341.(IF:3.0)
93. Ijiri S, Kaneko H, Kobayashi T,Wang DS, Sakai F, Paul-Prasanth B, Nakamura M and Nagahama Y. 2008 Sexual Dimorphic Expression of Genes in Gonads During Early Differentiation of a Teleost Fish, the Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus. Biology of Reproduction. 78:333-341.(IF: 3.7)
94. Zhou LY, Wang DS(equal contribution)., Shibata Y, Paul-Prasanth B, Suzuki A, Nagahama Y2007Characterization, expression and transcriptional regulation ofP450c17-Iand-IIin the medaka. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 362:619-625..(IF:3.0)
95. Zhou LY,Wang DS,Kobayashi T, Yano A, Paul-Prasanth B, Suzuki A, Sakai F, Nagahama Y 2007 A novel type of P450c17, lacking the lyase activity is responsible for C21-steroid biosynthesis in the fish ovary and head kidney. Endocrinology. 148:4282-4291.(IF: 5.3)
96. Huang XG,Jiao BW, Fung CK, Ho WKK, Zhang Y, Chan CB, Lin HR,Wang DS,Cheng CHK. 2007 The presence of two distinct prolactin receptors in seabream with different tissue distribution patterns, signal transduction pathways and regulation of gene expression by steroid hormones. Journal of Endocrinology. 194:373-392(IF:3.0)
97. Liu ZH, Wu FR, Jiao BW, Zhang XY, Hu CJ, Huang BF, ZhouLY, Huang XG, Wang ZJ, Zhang YG, Nagahama Y, Cheng CHK,Wang DS*. 2007 Molecular cloning of doublesex and mab-3-related transcription factor 1, forkhead transcription factor gene 2, and two types of cytochrome P450 aromatase in Southern catfish and their possible roles in sex differentiation. Journal of Endocrinology.194:223-241(IF:3.0)
98.Wang DS,Kobayashi T, Zhou LY, Paul-Prasanth B, Ijiri S, Sakai F,Okubo K, Morohashi K and Nagahama Y 2007 Foxl2 up-regulates aromatase gene transcription in a female-specific manner by binding to the promoter as well as interacting with ad4 binding protein/steroidogenic factor 1. Molecular Endocrinology. 21: 712-725.(IF:5.3)
99. Nakamoto M,Wang DS,Suzuki, A, Matsuda M, Nagahama Y, Shibata N. 2007.Dax1suppressesP450aromexpression in medaka ovarian follicles. Molecular Reproduction and Development. 74:1239-1246.(IF 2.5)
100. Ohmuro-Matsuyama Y, Okubo K, Matsuda M, Ijiri S,Wang DS, Guan G, Suzuki T, Matsuyama M, Morohashi K, Nagahama Y. 2007 Liver receptor homologue-1 (LRH-1) activates the promoter of brain aromatase (cyp19a2) in a teleost fish, the medaka,Oryzias latipes. Molecular Reproduction and Development. 74:1065-1071 .(IF 2.5)
101. Nakamoto M, Matsuda M,Wang DS,Nagahama Y, Shibata N. 2006. Molecular cloning and analysis of gonadal expression ofFoxl2in the medaka,Oryzias latipes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 344:353-361.(IF 3.0)
102. Oshima Y, Kato T,Wang DS,Murakami T, Matsuda Y, Nagahama Y, Nakamura M, 2006. Promoter Activity and Chromosomal Location of theRana rugosaP450 Aromatase (CYP19) Gene. Zoological Science. 23:79-85.(IF 1.2)
103.Jiao BW, Huang XG, Chan CB, Zhang L,Wang DS,Cheng CHK(equal contribution of all authors).2006. The co-existence of two growth hormone receptors in teleost and their differential signal transduction, tissue distribution and hormonal regulation of expression in seabream.Journal of Molecular Endocrinology.36:23-40.(IF 2.9)
104.Wang DS,Senthilkumaran B, SudhakumariCC, Sakai F, MatsudaM, Kobayashi T, Yoshikuni M, Nagahama Y. 2006. Molecular cloning, gene expression and characterization of the third estrogen receptor of the Nile tilapia,Oreochromis niloticus.Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 31: 255-266.(IF 0.7)
105. Matsuda M,Wang D,Nagahama Y 2006. Functional differences between the sex-determining gene of medaka, DMY and DMRT1 which is a paralogous gene of DMY;Zoological Science; 23 (12):1223-1223.
106. Ijiri, S;Wang, D; Nagahama, Y 2006 Gene expression profile in Nile tilapia gonad during sex differentiation.;Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A-Comparative Experimental Biology. 305A(2) : 135-135.
107. Sudhakumari CC, Senthilkumaran B, Kobayashi T, Kajiura-Kobayshi H,Wang DS,Yoshikuni M, Nagahama Y. (2005). Ontogenic expression patterns of several nuclear receptors and cytochrome P450 aromatases in brain and gonads of the Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus suggests their involvement in sex differentiation. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. 31: 129-135.(IF 0.7)
108. Raghuveer K, Rahul G,Wang DS,Bogerd J, Kirubagaran R, Rasheeda MK, Sreenivasulu G, Bhattacharya N, Tarangini S, Nagahama Y, Senthilkumaran B (2005). Effect of methyl testosterone- and ethynyl estradiol-induced sex differentiation on catfish, Clarias gariepinus: Expression profiles of Dmrt1, cytochrome P450aromatases and 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. 31: 143-147.(IF 0.7)
109. Rasheeda MK, Sreenivasulu G, Swapna I, Raghuveer K,Wang DS,Thangaraj K, Dutta-Gupta A, Senthilkumaran B (2005). Thiourea-induced alteration in the expression patterns of some steroidogenic enzymes in the air-breathing catfish Clarias gariepinus. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. 31: 275-279.(IF 0.7)
110. Zhou LY,Wang DS,Senthilkumaran B, Yoshikuni M, Shibata Y, Kobayashi T, Sudhakumari CC, Nagahama Y (2005). Cloning, expression and characterization of three types of17-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases from theNile tilapia,Oreochromis niloticus. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology.35:103-116.(IF 2.5)
111.Wang DS, Kobayashi T, Zhou LY, Nagahama Y, 2004.Molecular cloning and gene expression ofFoxl2in the Nile tilapia,Oreochromis niloticus.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 320: 83–89.(IF 3.0)
112. Jiang JQ,Wang DS(equal contribution), Senthilkumaran B, Kobayashi T, Kobayashi HK, Yamaguchi A, Ge W, Young G, Nagahama Y. (2003). Isolation, Characterization and Expression of 11b-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase type 2 cDNAs from the Testes of Japanese Eel (Anguilla japonica) and Nile Tilapia (Orechromis niloticus). Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, 31: 305-315 .(IF 3.8)
113.Wang DS,Senthilkumaran B, Kobayashi T, Kajiura-Kobayashi H, Matsuda M, Yoshikuni M, Nagahama Y (2003). Molecular Cloning and Gene Expression of the Riboflavin Binding Protein in the Nile Tilapia,Oreochromis niloticus. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry.28: 225-226.(IF 0.7)
114.Fan HG,Wang DS,Kobayashi T, Senthilkumaran B, Sudhakumari CC, Yoshikuni M, Nagahama Y (2003). Molecular Cloning of the Three Gonadotropin Subunits and Early Expression of FSH During Sex Differentiation of the Nile Tilapia,Oreochromis niloticus. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry.28: 143-144.(IF 0.7)
115. Zhou LY, Senthilkumaran B,Wang DS, Sudhakumari CC, Kobayashi T, Kajiura-Kobayashi H, Matsuda M, Yoshikuni M, Nagahama Y (2003). Partial Cloning of the 17-HSD-I from the Nile Tilapia Ovary and Its Expression Pattern During the Spawning Cycle. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. 28:381-382.(IF 0.7)
116. Senthilkumaran B, Yoshiura Y, Oba Y, Sudhakumari CC,Wang DS,Kobayashi T, Yoshikuni M, Nagahama Y (2003). Steroidogenic Shift is a Critical Event for Ovarian Follicles to Undergo Final Maturation. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry.28:313-315.(IF 0.7)
117.Sudhakumari CC, Senthilkumaran B, Kobayashi T,Wang DS,Chang XT, Nagahama Y (2003). Expression of cytochrome P-450 Aromatases in the Sex-Reversed Nile Tilapia. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. 28:177-178.(IF 0.7)
118.Wang DS,Kobayashi T, Senthilkumaran B, Sakai F, Sudhakumari CC, Suzuki T, Yoshikuni M, Matsuda M, Morohashi K, Nagahama Y. 2002. Molecular cloning of DAX1 and SHP cDNAs and their expression patterns in the Nile tilapia,Oreochromis niloticus. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 297: 632-640.(IF 3.0)
119. Zhang Yaoguang andWang Deshou, 1995. Studies on the osteology of the bagrid catfishes from the Jialing River (IV): an approach to the phylogenetic relationship. Journal of Southwest China Normal University (Natural Science). 20(4): 432-439.
120.Wang D.S.,H.R. Lin and H. J. Th Goos, 1995. The neuroendocrine regulation of gonadotropin secretion and ovulation in the bagrid catfish, Mystus macropterus . In: Proceedings of the 5th international symposium on reproductive physiology of fish. July 2-8,1995. The University of Texas, Austin, Texas, U.S.A (Edited by F. W. Goetz and P. Thomas. Published by Fish Symposium 95, Austin). P82.
121. Majeed SK andWang DS,1994. Tumours in the gonads of the Bagrid catfishMystus macropterus(Bleeker). Journal of Fish Diseases,17: 527-532.(IF 1.5)
122.Wang DSet al., 1994. Biological notes onLeiocassis crassilabris(Gunther:Bagridae). Resumes International Workshop on the Biological Bases for Aquaculture of Siluriformes, Montpellier, France, May 24-27,1994. P46.
123.Wang DS, Zhang YG, Luo QS, 1992. Observations on the larval development ofMystus macropterus(Bleeker): Bagridae. Journal of Fish Biology. 40:371-379.(IF 1.5)
1. 何学福、张耀光主编,王德寿、洪锡钧、罗泉笙副主编。四川经济鲇类研究。西南师范大学出版社。1998年7月。
2. 陈松林主编,王德寿参编,鱼类基因组学及基因组育种技术。科学出版社。2017年5月
3. Deng, Si-Ping; Liu, Zhi-Hao; Wang, De-Shou. 2019. Mechanisms of Feminization and Sex Differentiation in Southern Catfish. Sex Control in Aquaculture. Edited by Han-Ping Wang, Francesc Piferrer, Song-Ling Chen. Vol. II, Pages: 509-524. Published by Wiley & Sons Ltd (Wiley Blackwell).