兰婷,博士,2023年2月起在西南大学工作,现任生命科学学院副教授。主要从事植物(特别聚焦林木)大型基因家族的功能进化研究,以及特色经济林木分子高效育种技术的研究。在The Plant Cell,New Phytologist,Plant Journal,Journal of Biological Chemistry,Molecular Plant,Nature communications等国际专业学术刊物发表论文20余篇,其中近5年发表第一或通讯作者论文7篇。获得国内发明专利1项,申报发明专利2项。近年来主持“博士后面上一等资助”“国家自然科学基金青年项目”和“国家自然科学基金面上项目”等科研基金。曾获中国科学院“院长优秀奖”,2次获“梁希青年论文奖”。
lantingchn@foxmail.com; 欢迎对功能基因组学和进化生物学感兴趣的本科生和研究生联系。
2005 - 2011 中国科学院植物研究所,植物学,博士学位
2003 - 2004 美国University of Washington学习
2001 - 2005 四川大学生命科学学院,学士学位
2022 - 至今 西南大学,生命与海洋科学学院,副教授
2017 - 2022 深圳大学,生命与海洋科学学院,广东省植物表观遗传学重点实验室,博士后
2011 - 2017 中国科学院植物研究所,系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室,助理研究员
2016 第六届“梁希青年论文奖”三等奖
2010 中国科学院“院长优秀奖”
2010 第三届“梁希青年论文奖”一等奖
代表性学术论文 (#:并列第一作者;*:通讯作者)
1. Guo DM, Wang HY, Zhang SM,Lan T* (2022). The Type III polyketide synthase supergene family in plants: complex evolutionary history and functional divergence.Plant Journal: 10.1111/tpj.15953.
2. Lan T*, Yang XY, Chen JW, Tian P, Shi LN, Yu Y, Liu L, Gao L, Mo BX*, Chen XM*, Tang GL* (2022) Mechanism for the genomic and functional evolution of the miR2118 family in the grass lineage.New Phytologist233(4), 1915-1930.
3. Lan T#, *, Xiong W#, Chen XM, Mo BX*, Tang GL* (2022) Plant cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins: an update on classification, nomenclature, evolution and resources.Plant Journal110(1), 292-318.
4. Guan CN, Xue Y, Jiang PF, He CC, Zhuge XL,Lan T*, Yang HL* (2021) Overexpression of PtoCYCD3;3 promotes growth and causes leaf wrinkle and branch appearance in Populus.International Journal Of Molecular Science22(3):1288.
5. Chen JW, Teotia S,Lan T*, Tang GL* (2021) MicroRNA techniques: valuable tools for agronomic trait analyses and breeding in rice.Frontiers in Plant Science12:744357.
6. Xiong W#,Lan T#, Mo BX* (2021) Extraribosomal functions of cytosolic ribosomal proteins in plants.Frontiers in Plant Science12:607157.
7. Han XM, Chen QX, Yang Q, Zeng QY,Lan T*, Liu YJ* (2019) Genome-wide analysis of superoxide dismutase genes in Larix kaempferi.Gene686:29-36.
8. Peng T, Qiao MM, Liu HP, Teotia S, Zhang ZH, Zhao YF, Wang BB, Zhao DJ, Shi LN, Zhang C, Le B, Rogers K, Gunasekara C, Duan HT, Gu YY, Tian L, Nie JF, Qi J, Meng FR, Huang L, Chen QH, Wang ZL, Tang JS, Tang XQ,Lan T, Chen XM, Wei HR, Zhao QZ, Tang GL (2018) A resource for inactivation of microRNAs using short tandem target mimic technology in model and crop plants.Molecular Plant11(11):1400-1417.
9. He G, Guan CN, Chen QX, Gou XJ, Liu W, Zeng QY, Lan T* (2016) Genome-wide analysis of the glutathione S-transferase gene family in Capsella rubella: identification, expression, and biochemical functions. Frontiers in Plant Science 7:1325.
10. Lan T, Wang XR, Zeng QY* (2013) Structural and functional evolution of positively selected sites in pine glutathione S-transferase enzyme family.Journal of Biological Chemistry288 (34): 24441-24451.
11. Lan T, Gao J, Zeng QY* (2013) Genome-wide analysis of the LEA (late embryogenesis abundant) protein gene family in Populus trichocarpa.Tree Genetics & Genomes9: 253-264.
12. Lan T, Yang ZL, Yang X, Liu YJ, Wang XR, Zeng QY* (2009) Extensive functional diversification of the Populus glutathione S-transferase supergene family.Plant Cell21: 3749-3766.