范春芬 ,女,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,重庆市巴渝学者-青年学者。
研究成果:主持国家自然科学基金-面上项目、国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金、中国博士后科学基金、重庆市博士后创新人才支持计划等9项,参与国家重点研发计划项目子课题等科研项目。在Plant Biotechnology Journal、Biotechnology Advances、New Phytologist、Carbohydrate Polymers、Biotechnology for Biofuels等刊物上发表论文20余篇,授权国家发明专利3项。
Song, Q. #, He, F. #, Kong, L. #, Yang, J., Wang, X., Zhao, Z., ... Xu, C.Z.*, Fan, C.F.*, Luo, K.M.* (2024). The IAA17. 1/HSFA5a module enhances salt tolerance in Populus tomentosa by regulating flavonol biosynthesis and ROS levels in lateral roots. New Phytologist, 241(2), 592-606.
Fan, C.F., Zhang, W.Y., Guo, Y.H, Sun, K., Wang, L.J, and Luo, K.M. (2022). Overexpression of PtoMYB115 improves lignocellulose recalcitrance to enhance biomass digestibility and bioethanol yield by specifically regulating lignin biosynthesis in transgenic poplar. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 15, 1-14.
Fan, C.F., Wang, G.Y., Wu, L.M., Liu, P., Huang, J.F., ... and Feng, S.Q. (2020). Distinct cellulose and callose accumulation for enhanced bioethanol production and biotic stress resistance in OsSUS3 transgenic rice. Carbohydrate Polymers, 232, 115448.
Fan, C.F., Yu, H., Qin, S.F., Li, Y.L., Alam, A., ... and Luo, K.M. (2020). Brassinosteroid overproduction improves lignocellulose quantity and quality to maximize bioethanol yield under green-like biomass process in transgenic poplar. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 13: 9.
Qin, S.F.#, Fan, C.F.#, Li, X.H., Li, Y., Hu, J., Li, C.F., and Luo, K.M. (2020). LACCASE14 is required for the deposition of guaiacyl lignin and affects cell wall digestibility in poplar. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 13: 197.
Fan, C.F., Wang, G., Wang, Y., Zhang, R., Wang, Y., ... and Peng, L.C. (2019). Sucrose synthase enhances hull size and grain weight by regulating cell division and starch accumulation in transgenic rice. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 20: 4971.
Fan, C.F., Li, Y., Hu, Z., Hu, H.Z., Wang, G.Y., ... and Feng, S.Q. (2018). Ectopic expression of a novel OsExtensin‐like gene consistently enhances plant lodging resistance by regulating cell elongation and cell wall thickening in rice. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 16, 254-263.
Fan, C.F., Feng, S.Q., Huang, J.F., Wang, Y.T., Wu, L.M., ... and Peng, L.C. (2017). AtCesA8-driven OsSUS3 expression leads to largely enhanced biomass saccharification and lodging resistance by distinctively altering lignocellulose features in rice. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 10, 1-12.
Wang, Y.T. #, Fan, C.F.#, Hu, H.Z., Li, Y., Sun, D., Wang, Y.M., and Peng, L.C. (2016). Genetic modification of plant cell walls to enhance biomass yield and biofuel production in bioenergy crops. Biotechnology Advances. 34: 997-1017.