赵腾飞,男,汉族,博士,中共党员,河南平顶山人。目前在《Nature Communications》《ACS Synthetic Biology》《Industrial Crops and Products》《Plant Physiology and Biochemistry》《Frontiers in Plant Science》等期刊上发表研究论文20余篇(SCI收录论文15篇),其中第一作者或第一通讯作者SCI研究论文6篇(含共同一作1篇)。申请发明专利4项(授权3项)。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、重庆市自然科学基金博士后项目、中央高校基本科研业务费面上项目、中央高校基本科研业务费科研启动项目等纵向项目5项;主持横向项目3项,其中B类横向项目1项。先后参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目等国家级及省部级项目6项。
[1] Tengfei Zhao, Mei Yang, Zun Lai Lai Htun, Jiaheng Zhou, Junlan Zeng, Fei Qiu, Hongbo Zhang, Xiaozhong Lan, Min Chen, Zhihua Liao*. Engineering the production of scopolamine and cold tolerance through overexpressing ODC and H6H in Atropa belladonna[J]. Industrial Crops and Products, 2024, 208: 117886.
[2] Xiaoqiang Liu, Mei Yang, Jiahui Zhu, Junlan Zeng, Fei Qiu, Lingjiang Zeng, Chunxian Yang, Hongbo Zhang, Xiaozhong Lan, Min Chen, Zhihua Liao*, Tengfei Zhao*. Functional divergence of two arginine decarboxylase genes in tropane alkaloid biosynthesis and root growth in Atropa belladonna[J]. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2024: 108439.
[3] Tengfei Zhao , Junlan Zeng , Mei Yang, Fei Qiu, Yueli Tang, Lingjiang Zeng , Chunxian Yang , Ping He, Xiaozhong Lan, Min Chen, Zhihua Liao*, Fangyuan Zhang*. Ornithine decarboxylase regulates putrescine-related metabolism and pollen development in Atropa belladonna [J]. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2022, 192: 110-119.
[4] Zhao, Tengfei; Li, Siqi; Wang, Jing; Zhou, Qi; Yang, Chunxian; Bai, Feng; Lan, Xiaozhong; Chen, Min; Liao, Zhihua*. Engineering tropane alkaloid production based on metabolic characterization of ornithine decarboxylase in Atropa belladonna[J]. ACS Synthetic Biology, 2020, 9(2): 437-448.
[5] Zhao, Tengfei; Wang, Changjian; Bai, Feng; Li, Siqi; Yang, Chunxian; Zhang, Fangyuan; Bai, Ge; Chen, Min; Lan, Xiaozhong; Liao, Zhihua*. Metabolic characterization of Hyoscyamus niger ornithine decarboxylase[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019, 10: 229.
[6]Liu Wanhong#, Zhao Tengfei#, Wang Huanyan, et al. Reference gene selection in Artemisia annua L., a plant species producing anti-malarial artemisinin[J]. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 2015, 121: 141-152.
地址:重庆市北碚区天生路2号西南大学生命科学学院 邮编:400715